

Monday, April 9, 2012

Yaman Qasidah is a blog about Qasidah or Islamic Poetry

Finally I have the time and idea to make this small colletion of my favorite qasidah available to you,
I hope that you will enjoy it and get something useful from it, because this qasidah contain a very deep meaning about love, patient, sacrifice, and manner to the most important things in life.

and if you also happen to have your best and favorite qasidah, I would really like to hear it from you.
and email me at

this the firstime I post this article for the opening of this blog, I'm really sorry that I will not upload nasheed for you all, not because any particular reason.

I just love the classics, and nasheed is not in that category.

Thank You Brothers and Sisters, and Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

Is there any old Qasaed? I know of 1 which I believe originated from Hadramaut, the voice was old as it was recorded in a cassette. Much appreciated if you can upload it.


Qasidah_Admin said...

I'm going to upload all what I have on the computer first, then I will find my old cassette, I forgot where was I put it those cassettes..