

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Robbi inni yadassifatil aliya

if you know the meaning, you will really gonna think about it for along time. and it will leave a good impression in your heart Insya Allah.

Shollu Alal Musthofa

Dear brothers and sisters, aren't we born to do "ibadah"(praying to Allah). that is the intention from the beginning, isn't it Rosulallah sent to us so that we can do 5 times and hajj, shaum(fasting)? so what do you think we can go to heaven if it is not for Allah and Rosulallah? who will bail us out when we are in deep trouble at the barzah? at the after life? of course it is Rosulallah, Allah Azza wa Jalla directly order us to do shalawat for Rosulallah, every ulama, every muslim knew that Shalat will not be accepted by Allah Azza wa Jalla if we did not do shalawat to Rosulallah. by this qasidah, hopefully it will lift our spirit to do shalawat to Rosulallah more than we usually does, Insya Allah, amin.

Ya Rabbi Ya Alim

Dear my brother, this is update from me, right now I'm in Dubai, if you saw triangle in the map is beeping in Dubai, that will be me, please share and do comment if you like what I'm doing. Ya Rabbi, please forgive me and all my brothers and sisters who always commit sins everyday and we never been grateful to your generosities.